Dress codes must be complied with at all times. Anyone not complying with the Club's dress code will be asked to change or leave the premises.
A copy of the dress codes for men and ladies may be found in the changing rooms or are available from the bar staff.
Golf holdalls and shoe bags shall not be left in the bars, sun lounge or dining room areas.
Golfers are requested not to carry their golf holdalls or jacket covers through the bars or dining room areas.
The use of mobile phones is prohibited anywhere on the course or inside the clubhouse. They may only be used in the car parks. If taken out on the course for emergencies they should be left in silent mode.
Meals that require a knife, fork or spoon to eat them with may only be taken in the dining room and sun lounge or patio area. This may be altered at the discretion of the General Manager or Club Captain if numbers require additional facilities.
Children under the age of 14 are not allowed in the main bar or spike bar other than to order a non-alcoholic drink to be consumed elsewhere.
Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.